Thee Bad Janets


The Unmasking (Debut)

It’s well known among performers that it is always a good sign to get a little nervous before a show. That means it will be a pretty good one. If you don’t get nervous, it is usually a bad sign that the show is going to be lack luster. I think it’s that extra rush of adrenaline that keeps your brain peeked and on its toes.

Usually, I start getting nervous when I pull into the parking lot of the venue, but for the first time in over a decade, I started getting nervous HOURS before our debut show. Thankfully, the nerves were 80% excitement and 20% stress. We had prepared for this and we were more than ready. Plus, we had each other for support. 

That is what is awesome about being in a band; the shared responsibility and support. Even if you are a solo act, you can never really do it all on your own. We were lucky to not only have each other, but our spouses, boyfriends, family, and friends there to help out as well.

Those friends also consisted of the other bands we played with; Beatnik Party and Battered Suitcases. Who you share a stage with can be just as important as your performance. We are lucky to have a great network of talented musician friends that we can share whole nights of fun with. It truly makes a difference. Obviously, because the bar was packed with lots of positive energy both onstage and off. We walked away after our show feeling good that it was a successful event.

If you were in attendance, we want to thank you. We had such a great time. Those were genuine smiles on our faces. If you weren’t able to attend, we have more shows coming up with more songs we are integrating into our set so each show will be a little different than the one before.

Catch us if you can! ~ Thee Bad Janets 


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